Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Fetish Belly Punching Brazil

Il sesso oggi, tra trasgressione e puritanesimo

Questo post nasce dalla riflessione sull'ultima domanda fatta a Fiorello in un'intervista di Repubblica che trovate qui .

Today, we are constantly harassed by sex, from the wildest to the most soft
at all times, in spite of the bands and secure for children.
Today it would seem that those who have more problems with sexual
know it is the young 30 to 60 years.
In fact, under 30, not to mention the under 18 age group now devoted to more and more scandals and sexual freedom, live sex and always
more times with more lightness and freedom which amounts to less security in relationships sex. Just think of the phenomenon of baby prostitutes, girls as young as 12 years disposte a vendersi per qualche ricarica telefonica o gingillo teconologico ai propri compagni.

Veramente molto interessante a tal proposito è il servizio fatto dalle iene che potete vedere qu i.

Il sess o s i scopre sempre prima, ma una nota positiva bisogna farla... Noi italiani, sop rattutto i giovani dai 18 ai 24 utilizzano quasi regolarmente il prese rvativo ben l'80% dei maschi... certo alla domanda cosa si fa quando il preservati vo non c'è, consistency and strength of will dall'astenersi drops to 57%. Another interesting fact about women, and the relationship they have with the purchase, though it is still widely thought to be c ose men as much as 54% of girls buy condoms. (data Nextplora)
certainly can not be said that young people hide the pleasure and the desire to have sex!

But the really strange thing, in my opinion, is the hypocrisy of the adult world. I believe that as new generations have had a crisis of values, a culture of lack of feelings or other relationships with the opposite sex disrespectful, they have nothing to do with the crisis of family values \u200b\u200bthat occurs in adults of today.
From a sexual point of view, we see a battle between the media and non-Puritans, which reaches this level of hypocrisy ever. Today we ask
tolerance for sexual orientation but condemn those who go with the trans, we ask for tolerance and homosexuals are discriminated the modern era. Unfortunately, there is now a media fury on this issue that does nothing but exaggerate about the positions, which lead to acts of unjustified violence and homophobia.

Certainly if from this point of view there is a certain mental reservation and the road ahead is still long for acceptance, the other we have a renewed sense of sex over 60 ...
I admit, say that the image of two naked bodies get older, it is not the best, but if we reflect a bit and you go to the bottom of the reasons you can find something interesting. Seen by a 20 year old sex and gender as a 60 year old have a sentimental value completely opposite, the 20 year old will be moved by oceanic quantities of hormones gone crazy, while the 60 year old will see sex as a fulfillment and completion of the feelings, sex is love, because becomes the setting for the relationship and not pillar.

I am convinced that sex is good at any age and is certainly an expression dei nostri sentimenti, del nostro affetto e del nostro bisogno di abbandonarci completamente a una persona, che requisito essenziale è l'accettarci e non che sia dell'altro sesso!!

P.s.: Usare il preservativo è una forma d'amore verso se stessi e verso gli altri!!


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