Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Do I Need To Wear Socks For Pilates

Spare Ribs with BBQ Sauce Barbecue sauce

Le ho mangiate per la prima volta in un locale TexMex a Roma, Saper Ribs "San gre del Diablo "... they called the place no longer exists and many years later I equipped to do it at home.
Ingredients for 4:

Pork Chops (spare ribs) 1 , 2 kg attention to chop the pieces must be of 4 / 5 ribs and not separated one by one!
Cipolla 1


ground pepper to taste

ground cumin to taste

Salt to taste macianto

Barbecue Sauce

The preparation is quite simple , take the onion and an orange affettat Eli and put them on a baking sheet that will be able to hold all the spare ribs.

pa rget the chops with salt, pepper and cumnino. Arrange the chops on the baking sheet, pour the remaining sperm and oranges on the ribs, cover with aluminum foil and bake at 180 degrees for 45 minutes.

you from time to time that there is still liquid inside.
Remove from oven, and pass again the chops on the BBQ 6 / 7 minutes per side, then spread with barbecue sauce and let it dry for 5 more minutes per lato a fuoco basso.

Servitele bollenti.


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