The article below comes to you thanks to the reporting of Cristina.
E 'that is running a mail some time in Italy, with particular attention to the restaurants. It looks like Word or PDF file attachment, you report here in the chain that came to me.
From information I could find on the net this is an ad that runs for a few months in Italy but it seems that its origin dates back to no more than 5 years ago. The origin of the message Italian results from a hasty and non-perfect translation from French, so that appears in the document properties still under the original French: "à l'aube c'est la course pour la Collecte des morts poulets .
careful in eating barbecued chicken flavored or otherwise if you do not know the source ... you will see what could be a problem per noi mangiando carne importata dalla Cina!!! Pensate che i cinesi sono in grado di fornire tutte le settimane migliaia di tonnellate di polli.
All’alba inizia la raccolta dei polli morti
cercando dappertutto polli morti
molti lavorano per raccogliere i polli morti
a dead chicken cost 1 RMB and RMB and resold to 9 after treatment.
insertion of chickens in bags
carcasses are thrown everywhere a bit
also on the ground .....
workers begin to remove their feathers after giving a penalty in boiling water contained in a rusty container
enduring a smell so nauseating and so strong that sometimes to prevent even the veterans preseguire with work.
workers then removed the feathers
and adds chemicals to decontaminate chicken
dyes are added ...
to make the chicken tender and very appealing to the eye
so presented, are ready to ships in Europe
Per preservare la vostra salute, fate attenzione ai prodotti alimentari importati dalla Cina...
Consumate soprattutto prodotti locali più sicuri
Come sapere se un prodotto arriva dalla Cina ?
Le prime 3 cifre del codice a barre di un prodotto indicano il codice del paese d’origine del prodotto.
Esempio Tutti i codici che iniziano per :
690, 691, 692 fino a 695 sono tutti della Cina.
il codice 471 indica un prodotto fatto a Taiwan.
E’ un nostro diritto essere informati !
These are all the bar-codes used:
00 to 13: Etats-Unis et Canada
30 to 37: France
40 to 44: Allemagne
Japon 50: Grande-Bretagne
57 ~: Danemark
64 ~: 76 ~
Finlande: Suisse et Liechtenstein
628 ~: 629 ~
Arabie saoudite: Emirats Arabes Unis
740 to 745: Amerique Centrale
480 to 489: Philippines
Tell your family and friends!.
Regarding the images show the name of a Chinese website that an article reporting the complaint, the illegal harvesting of dead chickens, destined for sale in the city of Shenyang. The images date back to 2005.
Unfortunately you can not give a definite answer and unequivocally that the article and the appeal is true and not the usual buffalo, so that even the major sites antibufala as Snopes Have left open the investigation. Sure
however, is that the appeal is a bit 'misleading and deceptive, in fact the first few digits of the barcode does not indicate the source of the product, which can be imported from anywhere but the place of the body which has applied the barcode, as well as specified in the page UPC codes :
GS1 Prefixes do not provide identification of country of origin for a given product. They Simply Provide capacity number for assignment to different countries "That from location to companies who apply. Those companies in turn May manufacture products anywhere in the world.So the solution written in the appeal would not be helpful to avoid eating chickens that 5 years ago we could eat! Certainly more useful is to read the source of most of the product through the classic made in italy.