Wednesday, March 17, 2010

How Should A Brazilian Wax Look

Polli morti dalla Cina!! Bufala o verità??

The article below comes to you thanks to the reporting of Cristina.

E 'that is running a mail some time in Italy, with particular attention to the restaurants. It looks like Word or PDF file attachment, you report here in the chain that came to me.

careful in eating barbecued chicken flavored or otherwise if you do not know the source ... you will see what could be a problem per noi mangiando carne importata dalla Cina!!! Pensate che i cinesi sono in grado di fornire tutte le settimane migliaia di tonnellate di polli.

All’alba inizia la raccolta dei polli morti

cercando dappertutto polli morti

molti lavorano per raccogliere i polli morti

a dead chicken cost 1 RMB and RMB and resold to 9 after treatment.

insertion of chickens in bags

carcasses are thrown everywhere a bit

also on the ground .....

workers begin to remove their feathers after giving a penalty in boiling water contained in a rusty container

enduring a smell so nauseating and so strong that sometimes to prevent even the veterans preseguire with work.

workers then removed the feathers

and adds chemicals to decontaminate chicken

dyes are added ...

to make the chicken tender and very appealing to the eye

so presented, are ready to ships in Europe

Per preservare la vostra salute, fate attenzione ai prodotti alimentari importati dalla Cina...

Consumate soprattutto prodotti locali più sicuri

Come sapere se un prodotto arriva dalla Cina ?

Le prime 3 cifre del codice a barre di un prodotto indicano il codice del paese d’origine del prodotto.

Esempio Tutti i codici che iniziano per :

690, 691, 692 fino a 695 sono tutti della Cina.

il codice 471 indica un prodotto fatto a Taiwan.

E’ un nostro diritto essere informati !

These are all the bar-codes used:

00 to 13: Etats-Unis et Canada
30 to 37: France
40 to 44: Allemagne
Japon 50: Grande-Bretagne
57 ~: Danemark
64 ~: 76 ~
Finlande: Suisse et Liechtenstein
628 ~: 629 ~
Arabie saoudite: Emirats Arabes Unis
740 to 745: Amerique Centrale
480 to 489: Philippines

Tell your family and friends!.
From information I could find on the net this is an ad that runs for a few months in Italy but it seems that its origin dates back to no more than 5 years ago. The origin of the message Italian results from a hasty and non-perfect translation from French, so that appears in the document properties still under the original French: "à l'aube c'est la course pour la Collecte des morts poulets .
Regarding the images show the name of a Chinese website that an article reporting the complaint, the illegal harvesting of dead chickens, destined for sale in the city of Shenyang. The images date back to 2005.

Unfortunately you can not give a definite answer and unequivocally that the article and the appeal is true and not the usual buffalo, so that even the major sites antibufala as Snopes Have left open the investigation. Sure
however, is that the appeal is a bit 'misleading and deceptive, in fact the first few digits of the barcode does not indicate the source of the product, which can be imported from anywhere but the place of the body which has applied the barcode, as well as specified in the page UPC codes :
GS1 Prefixes do not provide identification of country of origin for a given product. They Simply Provide capacity number for assignment to different countries "That from location to companies who apply. Those companies in turn May manufacture products anywhere in the world.
So the solution written in the appeal would not be helpful to avoid eating chickens that 5 years ago we could eat! Certainly more useful is to read the source of most of the product through the classic made in italy.

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Jason Comet Chaser Reflector Telescope Model 323

Piacere Mario! Come hai detto che ti chiamavi??

Tired of forgetting a few minutes later the name of a famous person or something to do or take? Well now there is a solution ... but a scapegoat. Ok ok
will not be much consolation, but now thanks to Yi Zhong of Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory , we can blame it on a protein called Rac, which removes the newly formed memories.
E 'has been demonstrated that increasing experimentally the amount of this protein forget more easily, while decreasing the memories remain for several days.
The utility of this protein? In addition to us to do many bad impression, that not to flood our brains with useless or redundant information!

Beach Names In Chennai

Chatroulette..per farti sorridere =)

I'm going to talk about Chatroulette (previous article) , which is proving more than a small fashions of the moment, the classic flash in the pan.
Taking a trip to the video chat you can meet many people more or less eccentric, but one can encounter in small teasing smile at people they do happen trovarsele of just a chat.

Very funny in my opinion this video, which highlights the perversion of all of us, men, women of all ages ... attracted by a familiar figure .. but that turns out to be anything but.

Very similar to the one just seen, however, as it were, is not so equivocal this here.

There are people trying to showcase their art in the design ... Here .

And there's more for people who want to spend some 'time to internet .. but there is also much much junk ... and especially careful if you want to play with Chatroulette ... sicuramente tutte queste persone che sono su youtube non hanno firmato nessuna liberatoria per farsi vedere in giro da tutto il mondo!! quindi OCCHIO =)

Saturday, March 13, 2010

Dog Has Large Lump On Chest

Google Vs Cina

Alla base dell'attuale crisi che si sta consumando tra Cina e Google c'è una tentata violazione di 2 account Gmail. Dalle prime indagini effettuate da Google questi cyber-attacchi provengono dalla Cina, e secondo un'inchiesta del NewYork Times proverrebbero dall' università Jiaotong University di Shangai e da un istituto professionale, la Lanxiang vocational school . Non si è tutt'ora capito se il motivo dell'attacco, sarebbe dovuto al governo cinese, che avrebbe avuto interesse a violare gli indirizzi mail di 2 attivisti politici cinesi, o a un tentativo di spionaggio industriale dato che c'è stato il tentativo di attacco anche ad altre aziende tecnologiche americane. Subito i toni della disputa sono stati aspri e hanno permesso sia a BigG che al governo cinese di mettere in chiaro determinate cose.

Google chiede maggior libertà operativa del suo motore di ricerca, nonchè l'assoluta privacy dei suoi utenti. Richieste opposte sono invece arrivate dalla Cina che pretende maggior restrizioni e filtri sulle ricerche e un controllo più attivo del governo sui servizi di Google.
Oggi Google, which has only recently invested in the Chinese market, holding about 30% market, hindered by his rival Baidu which has the largest share. Bigg to give to China means losing an important source of earnings, but apparently the stereotype of big corporations with no heart is not suitable for Google, but that defends human rights and threaten the Chinese government to leave China for good.

In this story you can not help but encourage Google in the difficult path that is facing! Certainly challenge a powerful nation like China is not something every day to win this battle would be a very strong signal to citizens, but the risk is higher, in fact if Bigg leave the Chinese market without any consequence, without the Chinese market suffers from lack of it, you leave the field open only to Chinese industries, there would be a monopoly of the Chinese government websites in China and like all monopolies, this is not at all desirable.

Monday, March 8, 2010

My Breasts Are Enlarged And Sore

Mandarin Jelly with Vanilla Bavarian

La preparazione delle gelatine è semplicissima.
In quella che vi propongo la cosa più difficile, anzi un po noiosa, è ottenere il succo spermendo i mandarini.
Ricetta molto apprezzata dai bambini, ricorda un po le caramelle alla frutta, ovviamente omettendo di mettere il rum.

Ingredienti per 6-8 persone:

Succo di mandarino 1 lt (considerate circa 3 kg di mandarini da spremere)
Zucchero 200 gr
Isinglass 30 gr
Rum 1 / 2 cup

Put the gelatin in a bowl with cold water.
Take a pint of tangerine juice put it in a saucepan with the sugar over low heat, stirring with a whisk until the sugar is completely dissolved, then add the gelatin and allow to dissolve completely.
Remove from the heat and everything and adds the rest of the juice and rum, stir and let cool a little.
Pour the mixture into the mold, brushing them first with water and put everything in the refrigerator for at least 6 hours.
When ready to serve dip the mold more boiling water and then invert onto a serving plate.
Council to decorate it with a bit of whipped cream.

Saturday, March 6, 2010

Zcc Christian Church Songs

The Bavarian pastries are among the preparations that there are easier and faster.
The results are refined and tasty desserts.
Normally when I attempt with bavarian I like to make two layers of different flavors.
Vanilla alone will not do, I tend to (though vanilla and cinnamon are among the flavors that I love most) simply because it is not easy to find as vanilla a certain level! Fabio
Last year, my fratelllo, went on vacation with his family in Reunion, a volcanic island in the middle of the Indian Ocean.
Your gift has brought me some fantastic aroma of vanilla pods!
So I decided and I used one to make a Bavarian ... the result was impressive.

Here's how how I prepared.


Milk 0.500 lt
Sugar 200 gr
Vanilla 1 stick
eggs 5 egg yolks
Isinglass 20 gr
Whipping cream 0.200 lt

In a small saucepan put the milk and the vanilla bean, cut in half and clean the seeds, and bring all gently to the boil.
Meanwhile, put the gelatin in a bowl with cold water and let soak.
In another saucepan place the egg yolks and sugar and installed everything, has to leave a homogeneous mixture of very pale yellow color.
When the milk pour it on Simmer mixture of sugar and egg yolks, mix well and set on fire, very low.
When the cream begins to veil the surface add the isinglass wrung out of the water, making sure to dissolve it well. Let cool
all, then add gently alla crema la panna montata.
Appena i due composti si sono amalgamati versare il tutto nello stampo.
Io per le bavaresi utilizzo degli stampi monoporzione in silicone, se ne usate di metallo o altro materiale vi consiglio di ungeli un poco con olio di mandorle dolce.
Riponete tutto in frigo e lasciate addensare per almeno un paio d'ore.
Al momento di servire mettete gli stampi in acqua calda (senza che l'acqua tocchi la bavarese) per qualche minuto, in modo che la bavarese si stacchi bene.
Decorate a piacere e buon appetito!

Friday, March 5, 2010

Format Sertifikat Bank Indonesia


A quick post to remind you of an appointment that those who can, should not miss. This is the ' Document Freedom Day "event for all supporters of open source.
In particular, dealing with open standards documents, particularly hot topic and very timely in public administrations. The event is organized well at international level by Free Software Foundation Europe. For more information

here below some useful links.

The link to the news;

A link to the event wiki
http://www / events / doku.php? id = dfd: dfd10

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Do I Need To Wear Socks For Pilates

Spare Ribs with BBQ Sauce Barbecue sauce

Le ho mangiate per la prima volta in un locale TexMex a Roma, Saper Ribs "San gre del Diablo "... they called the place no longer exists and many years later I equipped to do it at home.
Ingredients for 4:

Pork Chops (spare ribs) 1 , 2 kg attention to chop the pieces must be of 4 / 5 ribs and not separated one by one!
Cipolla 1


ground pepper to taste

ground cumin to taste

Salt to taste macianto

Barbecue Sauce

The preparation is quite simple , take the onion and an orange affettat Eli and put them on a baking sheet that will be able to hold all the spare ribs.

pa rget the chops with salt, pepper and cumnino. Arrange the chops on the baking sheet, pour the remaining sperm and oranges on the ribs, cover with aluminum foil and bake at 180 degrees for 45 minutes.

you from time to time that there is still liquid inside.
Remove from oven, and pass again the chops on the BBQ 6 / 7 minutes per side, then spread with barbecue sauce and let it dry for 5 more minutes per lato a fuoco basso.

Servitele bollenti.

Monday, March 1, 2010

Kingdom Hearts 2 Where Are The Four Medallions

- BBQ Sauce

Non so quale versione sia...della Luisiana...del Texas o che so io.
Ma sicuramente è rapida e a mio avviso deliziosa.
Come dice il nome si usa sulle carni grligliate sul barbecue, personalmente l'ho provata sui spare ribs (costolette di maiale) e la trovo eccellente.


150 gr

75 gr

Vinegar Apple

75 g brown sugar 35 gr

mustard 2 teaspoons sweet

1 clove garlic
2 teaspoons onion

The preparation is particularly easy, chopped garlic and onion and then pour all ingredients in a bowl.
Put on the stove over medium heat, stirring occasionally.
Blend all with the immersion blender, until ottenre a smooth sauce.
Cook 20 minutes from when it comes to a boil over low heat, mescolado from time to time.
Let cool and store in refrigerator.
It is best to let it rest for a day.