Programma di Filosofia Classe Terza, da Atuttascuola
Programmi di filosofia pagina sul giardino dei Pensieri
Definiti qui di followed by: how to be (non-cognitive area), knowledge (know: it includes an understanding of Bloom's taxonomy), skills (know-how: the application), capacity (logical and critical computing: what & # 232; analysis, synthesis, evaluation), and these are the "three Cs" of the state in the cognitive.
Target • Cross
1) Consolidation of rules of conduct: respect, responsibility, solidarity, punctuality ...
• 2) Ability to participate active and collaborative, the ability to work organization. •
3) Construction of a cultural maturity that is the ability to relate academic disciplines and everyday life, learning and behavior.
• 4) Knowledge and understanding of the fundamentals of their disciplinary and epistemological status.
• 5) Capacity building exhibit clear and correct, even coll'uso of jargons.
• 6) Acquisition of skills and independence of analysis, synthesis, and organization content. •
7) Acquisition of autonomy for the application, data correlation, and the method of study. •
8) Proper use and purpose of the textbook and supplementary readings.
General indicators corresponding to the vote and verified: •
1) knowledge of content, topics, vocabulary (not notional sense) and understanding: 6
these are the two minimum objectives to be achieved and from which to him development of additional skills;
• 2) use of appropriate terminology and vocabulary, the ability to display clear and production: 7
this is the level of application that connects with the exposure, since the ability exhibitions, organization of content and production of these environments preferred language from the humanities;
• 3) in-depth analytical skills, processing and synthesis, evaluation of staff: 8 or more
these goals are used to verify complex skills and further capacity building exhibition, also on a personal level.
Educational Educational Objectives to be pursued for three years Philosophy:
• 1) identifying and defining critical of the way in which the episteme occurred in the history of thought and historical-theoretical relations between philosophy and science (knowledge and skills epistemological status).
• 2) ability to capture the structure of truth historicized (problematic for interpretive analysis);
• 3) contextually appropriate and precise use of language in the awareness of ' ; cultural unity between language, action and reality;
• 4) capacità di cogliere la struttura sistemica di una teoria e di confronto fra le strutture sistemiche fino ad acquisire una pragmatica capacità di pensare e agire con modelli diversi selezionati motivatamente (valutazione).
Obiettivi specifici (nel dettaglio per le diverse classi):
- conoscenza dei contenuti (termini e concetti) relativi ad autori, argomenti, sistemi di pensiero;
- comprensione e capacità di spiegazione (o confronto) dei concetti caratterizzanti gli argomenti svolti;
- competenza nell’individuare i costituenti logici di un testo (analisi testuale) o di una argomentazione;
- knowledge and competence in the use of vocabulary and categories of philosophy.
fourth class, in addition to the above, with the consolidation of understanding of philosophical discourse:
- ability to link, with forms of reasoning and / or organization of content (summary);
- skills in using the same correct specification of the language.
fifth class, in addition to previous
- Ability to express well-founded critical assessments about ideas, facts and arguments (and capacity for critical interpretation of "divergent thinking" central).
Minimum Standards relating to the objectives described above:
- knowledge of main contents.
- understanding and explanation of key concepts.
- identification of the essential parts of a text or an argument (minimum level of analysis)
- knowledge of key terms relating to the arguments. [So far, the III]
- ability to perform simple connections with even elementary forms of reasoning and / or organization
- powers proper use of key terms on the same arguments. [So far the IV]
- ability to express simple evaluations, but based on ideas, facts and arguments.